The goals, form and content of CBT-E for eating disorders

The goals, form and content of the 20-week versions of CBT-E for patients with a BMI of 18.5 –40.0 kg/m2

Stage One (starting well)

·  To engage patients in treatment and change

·  To increase understanding of the eating problem

·  To reduce concerns about weight

·  To establish a pattern of regular eating


·  Twice-weekly sessions for four weeks


·  Engaging patients

·  Creating a personalized formulation

·  Establishing self-monitoring and ccollaborative weighing

·  Providing personalized education

·  Introducing a pattern of regular eating

·  Involving significant others

Stage Two (taking stock)

·  To review progress and barriers to change

·  To plan Stage Three


·  One or two session once a week


·  Assessing jointly progress and compliance

·  Identifying any additional barriers to change

·  Deciding whether to continue with the focused version of CBT-E or move over to the broad version

·  Planning Stage Three accordingly

Stage Three

·  To address the mechanisms that have been maintaining the eating disorder psychopathology

·  To address the remaining eating disorder features

·  To develop the ability to tackle setbacks


·  Weekly sessions


·  Continuing to implement the strategies and procedures introduced in Stage One

·  Implementing one or more of the following modules*

Body Image

Dietary Restraint

Events, Moods and Eating

Setbacks and Mindsets

Stage Four (ending well)

·  To maintain the changes achieved during treatment

·  To minimize the risk of relapse


·  Three sessions every two weeks


·  Identifying remaining problems

·  Jointly devising a specific (realistic) plan for addressing them

·  Ensuring patient have realistic expectations

·  Discussing future possible ‘at risk’ times

·  Devising a plan for dealing with setbacks


Post-treatment review session, 20 weeks after the end of treatment

To review progress and revise the long-term maintenance plan

*If in the Stage Two review the decision is taken to use the broad version of CBT-E, at least one of the following three modules is included as appropriate: clinical perfectionism, core low self-esteem, interpersonal difficulties.



The goals, form and content of the 40-week versions of CBT-E for patients with a BMI of 15 –18.4 kg/m2

Step One

·  To engage patients and help them arrive at the decision to regain weight, as well as address the eating disorder psychopathology.


·   Twice-weekly sessions: up to 8 weeks


·  Engaging patients

·  Establishing self-monitoring and collaborative weighing

·  Educating about the psychobiological effects of being underweight and considering the implications

·  Creating a personalized formulation with the inclusion of malnutrition symptoms

·  Discussing the pros and cons of change (regaining weight)

·  Involving significant others

Stage Two (taking stock)

·  To review progress and barriers to change

·  To plan the following four weeks


·  One session every four weeks until there is a regular rate of weight gain in Step One and Two


·  Assessing jointly progress and compliance

·  Identifying any additional barrier to change

·  Deciding whether to continue with the focused version of CBT-E or move over to the broad version

·  Planning the following four weeks accordingly

Step Two

·  To help patients achieve weight regain at the same time as addressing the key maintenance mechanisms.


·  Twice-weekly sessions until there is a regular rate of weight regain, then once a week


·  Continuing to implement the strategies and procedures introduced in Step One

·  Introducing measures to encourage weight regain until a low–normal weight is reached (e.g., BMI between 19.0 and 20.0 kg/m2)

·  Implementing one or more of the following modules*

Body Image

Dietary Restraint

Events, Moods and Eating

Setbacks and Mindsets

Step Three

·  To maintain the changes achieved during treatment

·  To minimize the risk of relapse


·  Three sessions every two weeks


·  Identifying remaining problems

·  Jointly devising a specific (realistic) plan for addressing them

·  Ensuring patient have realistic expectations

·  Discussing future possible ‘at risk’ times

·  Devising a plan for dealing with setbacks

·  Drawing up specific plan for weight monitoring (weight must remain over 19.0, and any drop below 19.0 requires action).

NB: In the longer term some patients may need to regain further weight

Post-treatment review session, 20 weeks after the end of treatment

To review progress and revise the long-term maintenance plan

*If in the Stage Two review the decision is taken to use the broad version of CBT-E, at least one of the following three modules is included as appropriate: clinical perfectionism, core low self-esteem, interpersonal difficulties.