Archivi della categoria: In evidence

Enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy and family-based treatment for adolescents with an eating disorder: a non-randomized effectiveness trial

Le Grange, D., Eckhardt, S., Dalle Grave, R., Crosby, R. D., Peterson, C. B., Keery, H., . . . Martell, C. (2020).

Treatment of Eating Disorders in Adults Versus Adolescents: Similarities and Differences

Dalle Grave, R., Sartirana, M., Sermattei, S., & Calugi, S. (2020).

Challenges and Opportunities for CBT-E in light of COVID-19

Murphy, R., Calugi, S., Cooper, Z., & Dalle Grave, R. (2020).

Eating disorder psychopathology in adults and adolescents with anorexia nervosa: A network approach

Calugi, S., Sartirana, M., Misconel, A., Boglioli, C., & Dalle Grave, R.

Webinar “Advances in Treatment Series: CBT-E for Adolescents”

Academy for Eating Disorders Webinar April’s Advances in Treatment Series: CBT-e for Adolescents – Part 1 Speaker: Riccardo Dalle Grave, M.D. Moderator: Rebecca Murphy, Ph.D. FRIDAY, APRIL 10TH, 2020 FROM 10:00…